I weave worlds as I walk.
With words to show the way
Translation and proofreading service for Spanish, English and Portuguese to Italian
Maria Elena Casasole
About me
This is me.
I am a thief in love with words. I steal them so I can move and stir them. I also create, uncreate and represent them in my stories.
From Cristopher Columbus I inherited the love of travel, and from Dante his love of words.
Don Quixote has left me his imagination and Pessoa his coming and going of identities, all multifaceted and different.
Virginia Wolf inspired me to search for my own room, a living space to develop my creativity.
I travel in differences, shorten distances and sustain dialogue with the Other.
Translation is my art. The art of changing the form without altering the essence.
My path
Training and experience
Four worlds, four languages: Italian, the most instinctive; Spanish, my adoptive language; Portuguese and English, my connecting bridges.
As far back I can remember, I have dedicated myself to the study of languages. And studying languages means questioning everything, all the time. It means living in the constant tension between adaptation and loss. Inhabiting many realities at the same time.
I graduated in Spanish, and have done various courses in specialised translation. I always keep refreshed in my profession. I have travelled the world a lot too. It is important to experience difference to be able to understand, and accept, it.
I have been translating full time since 2012. It is my work, but also my passion which I nurture with dedication, professionalism and commitment.
I am an expert in transcreation and localisation, and in writing website content, with experience in search engine optimisation.
I also write, about travel and gender, about my nostalgia, my memories and challenges for the future. I paint dark worlds, then transform them into orange.
My secret for doing things well is to question everything, as a matter of principle. To take nothing for granted and lose myself in the pleasure of thinking. It is the only way I know of to choose the right words and create the perfect balance between the real and the represented.
Fields of specialisation
Science & Medicine
Technology & Automation
Legal Texts
Travel & Tourism
Arts & Literature
Marketing & Transcreation
Travelling words
Women exploring the world

Travelling words is my literary corner.
A lover of travel and all its nuances, I write articles and reviews on women’s travel literature. Here are some articles to discover a little more about women and their ways of being in the world
- Self-edited e-book: Penélope sale de casa
- El viaje inmóvil de las mujeres
- Uruguay: tierra de gauchos, inmigrantes y poetas
- El Japón escondido de Isabella Bird
- El idioma de las emociones para dibujar injusticias
- Viaje al corazón de la Madre Tierra
- El viaje místico de Egeria a Tierra Santa
- Pequeña historia de mujeres viajeras y escritoras
- La reinvención del mito de Penélope
- Diario Ártico de Josephine Diebitsch
- Viaje y escritura de las mujeres del Nuevo Mundo
- Del hogar al espacio público. Palabras nómadas de las mujeres del nuevo mundo
- Penelope esce di casa. La scrittura di viaggio di Eduarda Mansilla de García e Clorinda Matto de Turner
- Ojos de mujer observan el mundo: la escritura de viaje femenina
What they say about me
Collaboration experience